Bruna Bacelar
Arquiteta3 poderes:
Empatia, compromisso e equilíbrioE-mail:
[email protected]Quem sou:
Nasci em São Luís (Maranhão) 1993, mas já moro em Brasília há muitos anos. Se algum dia eu falar alguma coisa diferente você já sabe o motivo rsrs.
Amo conhecer pessoas, conversar e dar boas risadas. E se precisar de um ombro amigo para desabafar conte comigo também!
- Luckily nobody was in the sports arena at the time.
- Architects design all kinds of buildings.
- A school will need many medium-sized rooms for classrooms.
- Travelling regularly to building sites.
- The building was a sports arena with a large, curved roof.
- Another architect might like to design buildings that look sleek.
Professional Skills
Diversity of Experience
The client, a young video maker with difficulties getting onto the housing ladder due to Dublin housing shortages, was given the opportunity to build a house in the back garden where once stood the tree house he used to play in as child. The awkward triangular shape of the site generated the pure triangular plan of the house surrounded by three gardens; an entrance garden to the north, a breakfast garden to the east and green garden to the south.
One example is the office building in Hochstrasse (1988), where “the language of neo-modernism gives way to a minimalist expressive system”. This was followed by a series of projects (the Fides Building, Building in Picassoplatz, SBV Training Centre) in which the tension of construction (implemented primarily through particular ways of working with windows and doors) reveal the studio’s focus on plastic and morphological issues.With Italian influences (A. Rossi, G. Grassi), Diener & Diener’s urban projects aim to “give single large, anonymous constructions a metaphysical presence”.